MSLDAPClientConnection – low level LDAP connection

The connection class provides low-level methods to interface with the server.
Using this class is not recommended for normal operation.
class msldap.connection.MSLDAPClientConnection(target: MSLDAPTarget, credential: UniCredential, auth=None)
async add(entry: str, attributes: Dict[str, object])

Performs the add operation.

  • entry (str) – The DN of the object to be added

  • attributes (dict) – Attributes to be used in the operation


A tuple of (True, None) on success or (False, Exception) on error.

Return type

(bool, Exception)

async connect()

Connects to the remote server. Establishes the session, but doesn’t perform binding. This function MUST be called first before the bind operation.


A tuple of (True, None) on success or (False, Exception) on error.

Return type

(bool, Exception)

async delete(entry: str)

Performs the delete operation.


entry (str) – The DN of the object to be deleted


A tuple of (True, None) on success or (False, Exception) on error.

Return type

(bool, Exception)

async disconnect()

Tears down the connection.



Return type


async modify(entry: str, changes: Dict[str, object], controls: Optional[List[Control]] = None)

Performs the modify operation.

  • entry (str) – The DN of the object whose attributes are to be modified

  • changes (dict) – Describes the changes to be made on the object. Must be a dictionary of the following format: {‘attribute’: [(‘change_type’, [value])]}

  • controls (List[class:Control]) – additional controls to be passed in the query


A tuple of (True, None) on success or (False, Exception) on error.

Return type

(bool, Exception)

async pagedsearch(base: str, query: str, attributes: List[str], search_scope: int = 2, size_limit: int = 1000, typesOnly: bool = False, derefAliases: bool = 0, timeLimit: Optional[int] = None, controls: Optional[List[Control]] = None, rate_limit: int = 0)

Paged search is the same as the search operation and uses it under the hood. Adds automatic control to read all results in a paged manner.

  • base (str) – base tree on which the search should be performed

  • query (str) – filter query that defines what should be searched for

  • attributes (List[str]) – a list of attributes to be included in the response

  • search_scope (int) – Specifies the search operation’s scope. Default: 2 (Subtree)

  • types_only (bool) – indicates whether the entries returned should include attribute types only or both types and values. Default: False (both)

  • size_limit (int) – Size limit of result elements per query. Default: 1000

  • derefAliases (int) – Specifies the behavior on how aliases are dereferenced. Default: 0 (never)

  • timeLimit (int) – Maximum time the search should take. If time limit reached the server SHOULD return an error

  • controls (dict) – additional controls to be passed in the query

  • rate_limit (float) – time to sleep bwetween each query


Async generator which yields (dict, None) tuple on success or (None, Exception) on error

Return type

Iterator[(dict, Exception)]

async search(base: str, query: str, attributes: List[str], search_scope: int = 2, size_limit: int = 1000, types_only: bool = False, derefAliases: int = 0, timeLimit: Optional[int] = None, controls: Optional[List[Control]] = None, return_done: bool = False)

Performs the search operation.

  • base (str) – base tree on which the search should be performed

  • query (str) – filter query that defines what should be searched for

  • attributes (List[str]) – a list of attributes to be included in the response

  • search_scope (int) – Specifies the search operation’s scope. Default: 2 (Subtree)

  • types_only (bool) – indicates whether the entries returned should include attribute types only or both types and values. Default: False (both)

  • size_limit (int) – Size limit of result elements per query. Default: 1000

  • derefAliases (int) – Specifies the behavior on how aliases are dereferenced. Default: 0 (never)

  • timeLimit (int) – Maximum time the search should take. If time limit reached the server SHOULD return an error

  • controls (List[class:Control]) – additional controls to be passed in the query

  • return_done (bool) – Controls wether the final ‘done’ LDAP message should be returned, or just the actual results


Async generator which yields (LDAPMessage, None) tuple on success or (None, Exception) on error

Return type

Iterator[(LDAPMessage, Exception)]